Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Isle of Man Basketball Association was elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Membership on Thursday 25th July 2024.

The Executive Committee is responsible for the promotion of Basketball on the island, creation and management of the National Teams and organisation of local leagues and tournaments. The Committee is elected for a one year term, serving from the date of their election until the subsequent Annual General Meeting of the Membership.

VacantPresidentFigurehead of the Association and Chairperson of the General Meetings of the Membership
Trudi CrellinChairpersonChairperson of the Executive Committee and principal officer for the creation of all policies, procedures, and development plans of the Association
VacantTreasurerKeeper of the Financial Records of the Association
Martin DunneSecretaryKeeper of the minutes, agenda, reports and ratified policies of the Association
Michael PardoeFixtures SecretaryResponsible for the creation of all fixtures in the Association Leagues and Tournaments
VacantCoaches SecretaryRepresentative of all registered Coaches
Ben CampbellMen’s League RepRepresentative of all registered Players in the Men’s Leagues
VacantLadies League RepRepresentative of all registered Players in the Ladies’ Leagues
Kyle MillsReferee’s SecretaryRepresentative of all registered Referees
Jake GloverFundraising OfficerResponsible for fundraising and sponsorship for the Association
Martin DunnePublicity OfficerRepsonible for the creation of league reports, maintenance of the website & social media and contact with media organisations
Peter DunneManx Youth Games RepCo-ordinator for Basketball within the Manx Youth Games
Becky DunneIOM Sport Affiliation RepResponsible for affilitating the Basketball Assocaition with IOM Sport during the 2023/24 season
Torryn JonesMemberMember without specific Portfolio
Paul KilicMemberMember without specific Portfolio

Further details on the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Committee can be found in the Constitution of the Isle of Man Basketball Association.

Minutes of the Meetings of the Executive Committee

AGM14th September 2023Approved
Executive Committee25th September 2023Approved
Executive Committee9th October 2023Approved
Executive Committee18th December 2023Approved
Executive Committee22nd January 2024Approved
Executive Committee19th February 2024Approved
AGM25th July 2024Approved
Executive Committee27th August 2024Pending