New League Rules & Code of Conduct Approved

The Executive Committee of the Basketball Association met on Monday 18th of December to approve a new set of league rules for the Senior League alongside a general Code of Conduct and Ethics. These policies lay out the expectations and responsibilities of all those involved in competitions organised by the Isle of Man Basketball Association. The policies also align with and compliement the overall policies around conduct, ethics and safeguarding as outlined by England Basketball, with whom the Association is affiliated.

The Senior League Rules apply to all teams, players, coaches, officials and scorekeepers who participate in the Senior League Competition.

The Code of Conduct & Ethics applies to all players, coaches, officials, scorekeepers and spectators across all competitions and events held by the Isle of Man Basketball Association.

Formalising rules and procedures is part of the Association’s on-going commitment to affiliation with Isle of Man Sport. Now that they have been ratified these policies and procedures will be submitted to IOM Sport for consideration as part of the affiliation process, with news to follow in the New Year.

Senior League Rules

Code of Conduct & Ethics